This is page contains all the previous projects I have created and worked on.


Throughout my college career I became active in the GIS community, being a GIS Minor. I use Esri's software of ArcGlobe, ArcScene,& Arcgis to create 2D maps and 3D representations of geological areas, chart an area(s) demographics, and other various map related task. I also use Eradus Imagine for remote sensing purposes of montering an area's NDVI.

Web Development

I have been active in web development since 2014 and currently go through Dreamweaver and Sublime Text 3 when creating and designing websites. I have a well-versed proficiency in html & css.

Created Website

In Progress...


STS is a broad field covering the fields of Science, Technology, and Society. My focus on this research oreinted field is with technologies invovlement with the environment and society. Getting a better understand of its key roles it plays with the daily lives of citizens down to primary sector workers such as farmers.